Presentation Only (Abstract)
English is the official language of the conference; papers must be written and presented exclusively in English.
Presentation & Publication (Full paper)
Full papers are requested if you are considering publishing your work.
All submitted articles must report original, previously unpublished research results, whether experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted to the conference should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. Manuscripts must adhere to the conference's style and are subject to both review and editing. Authors retain the right to publish an extended, significantly updated version in another journal.
Submitted full papers will first be uploaded to Crosscheck for plagiarism detection. Any paper submitted for the conference will be reviewed by at least two international reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area. Based on the reviewers' comments, papers may be accepted, rejected, or accepted with revisions. If the comments are not adequately addressed in the revised paper, it will be returned to the authors for further revisions. Accepted papers will be invited for presentation at the conference and subsequently included in the conference proceedings.
Presentation Only (Abstract)
If you present at ICLRC2025 without a paper publication, you may only submit an abstract.
Note: the abstract can be included in the Program only.
Template Download
One standard registration includes papers of up to 5 pages, encompassing all figures, tables, and references.
Extra pages will incur an additional fee.